KHRS History
Established in 1914
Celebrated Sexcentenary functions in Hampi in 1936 to commemorate the memorable cultural event of the foundation of the Vijayanagar Empire in 1336. This celebration along with its various cultural publications viz Vijayanagar Sex-Centenary commemoration Volume. etc brought to the Society an All-India recognition as a historical research of high standard. Late Shri V. B. Halbhavi (Chairman), Shri.D.P. Karmarkar (General Secretary), late Shri N.S. Kamalapur (Secretary) were mainly responsible for this function
Silver Jubilee was celebrated in 1940 with the late Rao Bahadur K. N. Dixit the then Director-General of Archaeology to Government of India as Chief Guest. Various Conferences, Lectures and Exhibitions were held on this occasion for which the credit should mainly go to Shri D. P. Karmarkar, General Secretary, KHRS
Shri D. P. Karmarkar moved the Bombay Government and got a free gift of a vacant site on the College Road for constructing a building for this Society. Shri. Lalbahaddur Sastry the then Minister for Railways & Transport laid down the Foundation Stone on 23.06.1955
School of Indian Palaeography was started in 1960 by Late Shri R. S. Panchamukhi
The Society celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1970 under the Presidentship of Shri Dharma Vira, the then Governor of Mysore State. A historical conference and exhibition were organised on the occasion, with the co-operation of Shri S. R. Rao, Superintending Archaeologist, S. W. Circle, Aurangabad. The whole function was an admirable success. Shri Dharma Vira the then Governor of the state was immensely pleased with the high standard Research publications and other research activities of the Society being done under the guidance of its Chairman Sri.R.S.Panchamukhi and wondered why such an useful Centre of Research was not supported by the Government. He immediately moved on his own initiative and got sanctioned a sumptuous Building and Equipment Grant. The construction of the building was completed in 1974
Celebrated its Diamond Jubilee in 1978
Celebrated Golden Jubilee of Karnataka State – 2008 by Publishing 50 Research Books and a Souvenir.
2014-15 Centenary year of the Society.